Maintaining Your Sobriety Through The Holidays

As the holidays approach, many in recovery find the forced social situations less than enjoyable. As the work parties, social gatherings and family feasts begin, so does the steady flow of alcohol and in some situations, the drama and triggers which test one’s sobriety.

Maintaining Your Sobriety Through The Holidays

In a perfect world a person in recovery could enjoy these festivities with people who live their lives, in the same manner, the addict does but it is unrealistic to expect society to adhere to the same social restrictions. So, to walk, talk and play with others not battling an addition the addict needs a game plan. This holiday season, try these oldies but goodies to maintain your sobriety throughout the holidays.

  • During a party always have a non-alcoholic beverage in your hand so no one slips one with alcohol in it.
  • Let the host or hostess know ahead of time you plan on staying sober this year. If you aren’t comfortable talking of your sobriety tell them you are watching your weight or you’re in training.
  • Make sure you have a good support system with you wherever you go this season. Reach out to family and friends who are familiar with your plight. If you go to any support groups some have extra meetings this time of the year. If you need to attend five meetings a day to stay sober, do it!
  • If a trigger is an actual person you must see this holiday season think carefully before doing so. If you have a sponsor or friends to lean on before, during and after the required interaction, please do so.

You made the choice to be present in your life. Addiction waits for you. One drink, or using just once, places you right back where you were. You’ve come so far. The holidays are a time to celebrate and be thankful. Keep that in mind and be thankful for all you’ve done for you. Be good to you and stay sober. Please contact us if you ever need us. It’s why we’re here. Happy Holidays!

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