Seeking Counseling When Family Member Is Addicted

One of the realities of the times we are living in is dealing with drug addiction within our family. While it is the cruelest fact of life for the addicted one, it is also often called a “Family Disease” as it affects everyone who loves the person who is struggling with drugs or alcohol.

Seeking Counseling When Family Member Is Addicted

The only thing the family eventually figures out, for sure, is that they can’t really do much. It doesn’t matter what they try. Nothing will work until their loved one wants help. Sometimes this can take years or may never happen at all. The family, at some point, realizes that this constant stress is affecting their own health. They have no choice but working on achieving health and vitality for themselves. As hard as it is, they have to find some way to ‘Dance in the Rain’ and keep themselves healthy through it all. This is also the case for many other major life events that we can’t control. Families face divorce, illness, caring for aging parents, death in the family, and the list goes on.

They have no choice but working on achieving health and vitality for themselves. As hard as it is, they have to find some way to ‘Dance in the Rain’ and keep themselves healthy through it all. This is also the case for many other major life events that we can’t control. Families face divorce, illness, caring for aging parents, death in the family, and the list goes on.

A good start for the struggling family member is to see their doctor make sure their blood pressure, blood sugar and their general health is on the right track. Sometimes stress causes heart palpitations, headaches, stomach pain and other symptoms that could be serious. It is easy to neglect your physical health when you are under any kind of stress.

Just as important as physical health is mental health. While dealing with an addicted family member is to seek counseling for yourself. It will allow you to deal with the family addiction issues. Learning coping techniques and understanding can truly make a world of difference.

Another thing that may help you is to intentionally live in the moment. Regrets of the past and worrying about the future will always be there but try to minimize them. This can aide in establishing peace of mind.

If you find yourself in the middle of a “family disease” due to addiction please contact us.  We are here to help you through it.

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