Couples in Crisis and Christ

You start a relationship with love and optimism flowing abundantly through your veins. It is alive and well in your spirit as you exchange your wedding vows. You feel untouchable by tragedy or crisis. So long as you have one another, you can conquer anything. What a beautiful moment in life this is.

Couples in Crisis and Christ

However, life rolls on and things happen. One of you loses a job or addiction takes up residence in your home. Perhaps someone has been unfaithful or there’s been the loss of a child. Regardless of the details of how you arrived, you find yourselves plummeted into despair, grief and crisis. Suddenly, that euphoric perfect memory of the day you said your vows seems foreign and distant. You want to quit. You want to walk away because the pain is too great or the struggle too difficult. In this moment of fight or flight, you have a choice. You can choose to succumb to the negative despair or; you can choose to unify and set a course to overcome your adversity together.

Crisis, no matter how it looks, is an immense opportunity for personal and mutual growth together. Overcoming a crisis requires self discovery, willingness, hard work and an attitude of perseverance for both you and your spouse. Many take heart in knowing that they are not alone. As Christians, we are not guaranteed an easy path. In fact, the Bible tells us otherwise. John 16:33 tells us: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world”.

There is comfort knowing that Christ has already conquered all of it! Allow this passage to fill you with reassurance and confidence that we can overcome whatever life has thrown our way, in Him. Sometimes we need some extra help in bearing the burden, that’s why we are here to help. As a resource in times of trouble, please do not hesitate to contact us today.

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