Coping With Grief And Loss After Losing Your Job

The career world today is cutthroat, and it is common for someone to experience a sudden job loss. When you lose a job without warning, it is normal to feel a sense of grief and loss. After all, a career is part of our identity, and you had relationships with your coworkers that will be missed. While you may not be able to get your job back, you can ease your feelings of loss by using these strategies.

Coping With Grief and Loss After Losing a Job

Spend Time Reflecting

After a job loss, most people do one of two things: fight to get their job back or immerse themselves in new hobbies. While both of these things seem productive, it is better to reflect upon what happened and make a plan for self-improvement. Staying focused on a new job search, developing new skills and creating a budget to help until your income returns to normal are all healthy ways to spend your time.

Minimize Stress

Career changes are stressful, and it is important to practice self-care while you make the transition. Avoid taking on additional responsibilities, and find positive coping strategies to use when you feel angry. For example, you can write in a journal or call a supportive family member or friend. By doing something to make yourself better, you can avoid falling into a trap of negativity.

If you find that you struggle with negative emotions or getting over the loss, then our counselors are here to listen. Please contact us today so we can help you get back on your feet.

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