3 Ways to Stop Depression From Affecting Your Addiction Recovery

After leaving treatment, you knew that addiction recovery would be a lifelong process. However, you might not have expected for depression to rear its ugly head again and make it harder to stick to your treatment plan. While it may be hard to believe, the fact that you are dealing with depression is a normal part of the recovery process since the feelings you once masked with drugs or alcohol are now coming to the surface. Fortunately, you have made the right decision to seek help, and you can stay on the right track by taking these three steps.3 Ways to Stop Depression From Affecting Your Addiction Recovery

Continue to Avoid Triggers

Depression during recovery can make it harder to resist triggers, and the temptation is always lurking around the corner. During this time, you may be extra vulnerable to an offer to grab some drinks with friends, or you may prefer to curl up in bed instead of going to your aftercare meeting. As hard as it may be, continue to fill your day with healthy activities that you learned during treatment so that you will feel strong in the face of temptation.

Practice Self-Care

It is important to remember that depression is more than just a mental issue, your entire body can be affected by symptoms such as fatigue, muscle aches and disrupted sleep. For this reason, taking care of your physical health has a positive impact on your mood. Make sure to exercise each day so you benefit from mood-boosting endorphins, and do something that makes you feel happy every day. Whether you soak in a bubble bath or schedule a massage, a little pampering will go a long way toward helping you feel better.

Surround Yourself With Support

You didn’t overcome your addiction alone, and that same support network can help you through your depression. Reach out to sober family members and friends, and let them know what you are going through. It is also important to talk to a professional counselor who can help you identify any possible underlying causes for your depression. This way, you can work through this time with the support you need to overcome depression without relapsing in your recovery.

Dealing with depression during recovery can be scary since it can leave you vulnerable to falling back into old habits. Don’t struggle alone, contact us today so we can help you feel better and continue to be strong in your recovery.

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