Postpartum Anxiety: What You Need to Know

Becoming a mom can be one of the most exciting yet hardest times in a person’s life.

This is because some moms experience postpartum issues such as the “baby blues” after giving birth.

According to the Mayo Clinic, these symptoms are not severe and usually only last a few days up to a couple of weeks after the baby is born.

However, some moms can experience worsening of these symptoms that could indicate a severe postpartum issue, such as postpartum depression.

According to the Mayo Clinic, “postpartum depression symptoms may include:

Postpartum Anxiety: What You Need to Know

  • Depressed mood or severe mood swings
  • Excessive crying
  • Difficulty bonding with your baby
  • Withdrawing from family and friends
  • Loss of appetite or eating much more than usual
  • Inability to sleep (insomnia) or sleeping too much
  • Overwhelming fatigue or loss of energy
  • Reduced interest and pleasure in activities you used to enjoy
  • Intense irritability and anger
  • Fear that you’re not a good mother
  • Feelings of worthlessness, shame, guilt or inadequacy
  • Diminished ability to think clearly, concentrate or make decisions
  • Severe anxiety and panic attacks
  • Thoughts of harming yourself or your baby
  • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide”.

If any of these symptoms are present, the mother should seek treatment.

Many people are familiar with the term postpartum depression. There is another postpartum issue that can arise that many new moms are not aware of – postpartum anxiety.  Some moms can suffer from postpartum anxiety as well as postpartum depression and would have symptoms reflecting both conditions.

According to The Bump, postpartum anxiety is just now “starting to be analyzed more closely. Research suggests it may actually be more common than postpartum depression”.

The Bump lists symptoms moms and doctors should keep an eye out for during the postpartum period such as:

  • “obsessively worrying your baby will get sick,
  • nagging fear you’ll hurt your child,
  • inability to sit still and focus,
  • trouble sleeping and eating,
  • and physical symptoms such as dizziness, hot flashes, and nausea.”

There is treatment available for moms who exhibit any of these symptoms such as therapy and medication. As with any treatment, it varies based on the individual’s symptoms and needs. The important thing to remember is that postpartum anxiety is treatable and does not last forever.

Both postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety affect your ability to function, and it is important to seek treatment if you believe you are exhibiting these symptoms.

If you believe you are suffering from postpartum anxiety or any other postpartum issue, please contact us today.

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