5 Unusual Signs of Anxiety to Watch Out For

You may know all the common symptoms of anxiety, such as overthinking, excessive worrying, and asocial behavior. These are good to keep in mind, but there are also many other, less frequently discussed symptoms. These can impact your life as much as their classic counterparts. Here are a few unusual signs you can keep an eye out for:

5 Unusual Signs of Anxiety to Watch Out For

1. Constant Nausea

Being unusually nauseous on a consistent basis is a sign of anxiety. Sometimes it can be mere queasiness, and sometimes it will actually cause you to vomit when you are particularly stressed out. This can inhibit your quality of life a great deal, and it can certainly mean there is a mental health issue at hand.

2. Indigestion

Indigestion is a similar symptom to nausea, and they often in a pair. If your stomach is constantly giving you trouble, this is another way that anxiety may be physically manifesting in your body. This is because there is a strong connection between your brain and your gut, which means that your digestion is connected in many ways to your mental health.

3. Pain in the Jaws

Anxiety can often cause you to grind your jaws in your sleep, which can cause extreme jaw pain and inflammation. People often toss this physical symptom aside as simple stress, but it’s certainly possible that it may be a sign of a mental health issue if it happens to you consistently.

4. Intrusive Thoughts

An intrusive thought is a sudden, unbidden thought about an unpleasant or socially unacceptable situation. These often involve hurting oneself or others. One example might be driving along a road and imagining wrenching the wheel to the side. Another might be spotting a knife on a kitchen counter and thinking about what would happen if you stabbed the other person in the room. Everyone has intrusive thoughts on occasion, but when they become overwhelming or one begins to act on them, they signal a larger problem. An anxiety disorder could be one of the reasons why

5. Impulsive Behavior

Anxiety can often lead to impulsive behaviors because one becomes so stressed that they simply pick at random. The strength of emotion which characterizes anxiety can lead to more rapid, less thoughtful decision-making. In turn, this often leads to destructive behavior.

If you’ve experienced these symptoms, seeing a mental health professional for a consultation is a good idea. We can work with you to help improve your quality of life. Please feel free to contact us today.

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