Helping Children Through Play

Notice when a child walks into a new classroom, a waiting room, or a friend’s house, how they run straight to the nearest toy. Notice how much more relaxed and comfortable they become as soon as they find that dollhouse, those colorful blocks, or those delightfully bright cars and trucks with so many wheels. Notice how a child might seem too shy to talk to someone new, yet they’ll be glad to show them their favorite toy.

Helping Children Through Play

Play is considered essential to a child’s healthy development. It’s through play that children develop critical physical, cognitive, and emotional skills. When a child zips around the floor with a toy in each hand, weaving creative stories and giving voice to imaginary characters, they’re doing so much more than simply entertaining themselves. They’re using the language of play to explore their own experiences and to make sense of the complex world around them. They use toys to communicate with others in a way that feels safe and familiar.

At Family Restoration Counseling Services we recognize that children communicate differently than adults. We’re well-equipped and prepared to connect with your child in a way they understand. Similar to adults, children may experience a wide variety of emotions, such as anger, frustration, and sadness. With fewer words and far less social experience, though, it can be difficult for children to express themselves and to explain what they’re going through. Play therapy is an effective method of connecting with children and providing them with the support they need and deserve.

Whether your child is dealing with anxiety, depression, grief and loss, attention deficit hyperactivity (ADHD), autism, behavioral challenges, or other mental health concerns, our certified, licensed play therapists will meet with your child at their level. We’ll interact with them in a way that is familiar and comfortable, in order to provide the most productive therapy possible. Contact us today at Family Restoration Counseling and find out how we can help!

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