4 Ways to Help when Someone is Experiencing Loss

No one should ever have to go through any amount of pain alone. If you feel a friend is experiencing too much for them to handle on their own suggest grief counseling or other forms of therapy.  A trained professional may be able to offer insight that they are unable to find on their own. There are also many things you can do for them.

4 Ways to Help when Someone is Experiencing Loss

1. Let them know you’re there

When a friend experiences a loss it’s common to feel helpless. You can’t take away the pain, you can’t bring that person back; however, there are many ways to aid a grieving friend. Offering help is one such way to show you are there. Many experiencing a loss find day to day activities such as cooking and cleaning difficult. Offer to make dinner and bring it over, extend an invitation to your house for a meal. If they decline the offer, don’t be offended; while this may not be the exact help they needed, putting the invitation out there allows them to know you are there for them and want to help.

2. Listen

Those experiencing loss need to be heard. Let them share the memories of those that have passed. Don’t respond with “I know exactly how you feel” or offer generic phrases like “it was for the best.”  Chances are you don’t know, and this response could be more harmful than helpful. Instead, just listen to what they have to say. Put yourself in their shoes and try to empathize. Allowing someone who’s grieving to talk through their feelings can help tremendously.

3. Be patient

Grieving is a different process for everyone. The way you grieve, may not be the way a friend grieves. What helped you, may not help them. Be patient and continue to show that you are there. Everyone has their own timeline, allow that timeline unfold.

4. Encourage professional help if necessary

No one should ever have to go through any amount of pain alone. If you feel a friend is experiencing too much for them to handle on their own suggest grief counseling or other forms of therapy.  A trained professional may be able to offer insight that they are unable to find on their own.  For professional help, contact us today!

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