What the Emotionally Abused Should Hear in Christian Counseling

The ideal of Christian marriage as a safe, nurturing place lasting “until death does us part,” has historically been a sticking point for those suffering from emotionally abusive conditions when seeking Christian counseling. The conflict between the dream of a perfect world and rigid interpretations of Biblical principles sends many away from encounters with well-meaning counselors…

Christian Counseling in Marriage: How is it different?

The American Psychological Association reports that 40%-50% of marriages in the United States end in divorce. Even with headlines screaming the messy details of Brangelina’s breakup or the end of the Blake Shelton/Miranda Lambert marriage, these statistics are still staggering. How many marriages could be saved if the couples sought marriage counseling? The answer doesn’t…

Christian Counseling Can Strengthen Your Life and Your Faith

People of every faith go through challenging times. Whether you need marriage counseling, help healing from a personal trauma or someone to guide you through the struggles of mental illness, it makes sense to seek counseling that is consistent with your faith.  Here are three reasons to seek faith-based counseling as a Christian. Shared Values Many…