Dallas Marriage Counseling – The Real Problem With Marriages

Marriage Counseling is one of our most common services and provides specific responses to specific issues in the marriage we are assisting with. As a Marriage Counselor in Dallas, we see a variety of couples in different circumstances and situation.

If you were to enter a bookstore you’d find an endless supply of marriage resources that all seem to have the feel of 5 easy steps. Many of the marriage resources list some items, almost a checklist of things to do. If you read 5-6 marriage books, you’d most likely have 25-30 items on your checklist that you should be doing every day or at least on some consistent basis.

It seems that anyone reading these types of marriage resources would come out more confused and overwhelmed than anything else. Some give up and don’t take any steps at all to improve their marriage. Others start off trying to make a difference, but lose interest or the desire to continue.

Our lives are busy, between work, kids sports, school and other activities, couples must make time for their marriage. For marriages to grow, we must nurture the ability to care for what is important to our spouse.

So what is the real problem with marriages? Mostly communication. It sounds simple doesn’t it? Communication isn’t hard to understand it is hard to do. Many disagreements in marriages could most likely be avoided if better communication were taking place. Communication about finances, sex, future plans and kids. All of these topics could be less of an issue if couples had better communication in their marriages.

Another issue is the selfishness in our marriages. Most people don’t have any problem feeling compassion for a person on tv or on a street corner or even someone we just met. But, we don’t have any stake in their problems. When it is an issue your spouse and that issue interferes with you…it is easier to push it away or ignore it than it is to listen and do something about.

Take the time to look at it from their perspective and feel what they are feeling. Your marriage will benefit and you’ll become a better communicator.

Family Restoration Counseling offers marriage counseling services in Dallas. Contact us today for more information.

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