Marriage Counselor Dallas

Summer has arrived in the Dallas area and that means it is also wedding season. Did you know the average cost of a wedding was $27,000 in 2011. As Americans we spend a significant amount of money on our marriage before it even begins. But, we spend it all on flowers, photographers, dresses, venues and the list goes on. Not many couples make an investment in their marriage before or after the wedding.

We not only recommend premarital counseling before your marriage, but we also recommend marriage counseling once you are married. The reason we recommend marriage counseling once you are married revolves around communication. It takes a fair amount of communication to have a successful and fulfilling marriage. This isn’t something that necessarily comes easy, and this is an area that marriage counseling can assist with.

Marriage counseling can provide ways for you to bring about change in your marriage that you normally wouldn’t have accomplished on your own. It provides a safe and supportive environment for you to identify and communicate issues, behaviors and feelings that are bothering you. These conversations help facilitate positive change.

Less than 5% of divorcing couples seek marriage counseling. Couples aren’t willing to try, it would appear, to resolve whatever issues they are experiencing. Maybe they’ve tried themselves and have been unsuccessful, which is why it is important to seek a Licensed Professional Counselor for marriage counseling or any type of therapy.

It is reported that the average couple waits six years before seeking marriage counseling for marriage problems. Six years! The earlier you seek help, the better chance your marriage has of being successful.

Family Restoration Counseling has experienced, licensed counselors ready to assist you in your marriage counseling needs. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a counseling session.

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