3 Less Common Types of Depression

Depression is a disorder characterized by a prolonged, numbing sadness. When most people think of depression, they generally think of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), which according to the National Institute of Mental Health affects 6.7% of Americans over 18. But did you know that there are many other types of depression other than Major Depressive Disorder? Here are some of the less common yet equally damaging types of depression.

3 Less Common Types of Depression

1. Persistent depressive disorder (PDD)

This form of depression, formerly known as dysthymia, is not as debilitating but is much longer lasting than MDD. PDD can be brought on by genetics, early childhood experiences, or life circumstances. While not as severe as MDD, there is still a real danger in leaving PDD untreated.

2. Bipolar disorder (BD)

People suffering from BD generally experience drastic mood swings, ranging from extreme happiness (known as mania) to extreme sadness, or depression. Like depressive disorders, BD comes in several different varieties, some more common than others; these varieties differ based on the length of the mood swing cycles as well as the severity of the swings in either direction. Because the mood swings associated with BD can be extreme, people with BD can end up harming themselves through reckless action.

3. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

SAD is a disorder that is brought on by a lack of sunlight during the winter months. The symptoms are the same as a typical depressive disorder, but their presence is solely dependent on the amount of sunlight received. Because of this, SAD has predictable cycles that follow the seasons. When left untreated, this can lead to trouble within families during the holiday season due to the withdrawal, irritability, and lack of interest on the part of the sufferer of SAD.

Our therapists understand that depressive disorders are unique to the individuals that suffer from them, and through therapy, there is hope for anyone who feels hopeless. If you or a loved one are experiencing depression, please contact us today.

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