Marriage Counseling: 7 Tips For A Lasting Marriage

Marriage is both a commitment, and an institution. It isn’t something to be entered into lightly. Even if you think you have what it takes to go the distance, though, it’s important to make sure you do an inventory of your relationship. Because forever is a long time.

Marriage Counseling: 7 Tips For A Lasting Marriage

7 Tips For A Lasting Marriage

Tip #1: Address Problem Behaviors (Yours, and Your Partners)

We all do things that annoy our partners, but if either of you have problematic behaviors then they have to be addressed. Don’t wait for them to bring it up; find a time, sit down, and work on it.

Tip #2: Do What Works For You

There’s no such thing as a “normal” relationship; you need to do what works for you. If that means you need to talk about the difficult stuff in text, because it’s too hard to say it out loud at first, do that. If you need to set aside one day a week as a relationship tune-up day, do that. If a strategy isn’t working, even though it’s what makes your parents’ or friends’ relationships work, don’t stick with it. You need to find what works for you.

Tip #3: Make Time For Each Other

We all have busy lives, and things to do. However, you need to spend time with each other in order to keep your bond strong. Mesh your schedules when you can, and find ways to do things together. Even if it’s just a movie night, or meeting up for lunch on a Tuesday, a little time together can go a long way.

Tip #4: Change What You Can, Accept What You Can’t

We don’t always get our way, and sometimes we have to learn to accept that disappointment. You should always work with your partner to find ideal solutions, but sometimes you won’t get your way. When that happens (and it is a when, not an if), you need to learn to accept that some rocks are too big to roll.

Tip #5: Don’t Bottle Things Up

There’s nothing worse in any relationship than just swallowing your feelings until they boil over. Talk with your partner about them, but also have a confidante outside of your relationship. Someone that you trust, who can help you put your thoughts and feelings in order when you need it.

Tip #6: There’s No Shame in Counseling

If you’re having a relationship problem that you just can’t solve, there’s no shame in going to a professional counselor to get help. The goal is for your relationship to get better, and stronger, and sometimes that means you have to let a doctor look at your hurts.

Tip #7: Communicate Clearly

Communication is key in any relationship, but it’s vital to a marriage. You need to learn how to express yourself in a way your partner understands, and you need to be sure both of you are speaking and listening. If the message gets lost in translation, you need to find a different way to make it heard.

For more advice on how to make your marriage work, simply contact us today!

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