Learning to Overcome Anxiety: Retrain Your Brain

Anxiety can strike anyone at any age at any time. Traumatic events can set it off when it is least expected. Years of living with an overwhelming amount of stress or facing a catastrophic event can allow anxiety to rear its ugly head to disrupt a person’s life. Well, the good news is there are some steps anyone can take to overcome fear or learn to live with it. Learning how to live with anxiety will allow a person to move forward with his/her life to a better time. It often comes with negative stereotypes created by society, which are associated with any mental disorder, and it is like being stuck in the spin-cycle of a washing machine. One might suffer from anxiety, but because others react to it negatively, more concern compounds onto the one who is suffering from the increasing levels of stress. There are solutions to aid in retraining your brain or “rerouting” to a new network of thought processes and distinguishing between the irrational and rational sides of the signals the brain is sending out. Remember to contact Family Restoration Services, should any questions be remaining after having read this blog.Learning to Overcome Anxiety: Retrain Your Brain

Realize Anxiety is a Medical Condition

Anxiety is socially-stereotyped and is a medical condition as real as tonsillitis or appendicitis. Fear is a condition, which can get readily out of hand, depending upon the person suffering from this affliction. Symptoms can vary, so researching them can cause more anxiety. It is best to reach out to a professional to aid you in reaching healing.

Understand the Need to Work with a Therapist

Finding a therapist is an essential part of working toward a more fulfilling life and learning to live with a reduced or anxiety-free lifestyle. The patient must see a therapist with whom they have a good vibe. Keep in mind; sometimes, therapists may say things to which the patient is overly sensitive. Don’t jump the gun, but be open with the therapist. Share your feelings because he/she might not realize a patient’s sensitivity level. Please take the time to search the Internet on choosing a therapist.

Finding the Right Combination of Medicines

Medications are unique in many ways because no one prescription fixes anxiety the same for every patient. Therapists or psychologists may need to try varying types of drugs to find the combination for any patient based upon his/her brain chemical makeup. Any patient should familiarize him/herself with medication options before proceeding with medication treatment. Always remember, patients need to have open communication with their therapist about side effects.

Diffuse Triggers that Cause Setbacks

Quite often, a person can work through anxiety-related issues by looking at implanted triggers that cause setbacks. If a patient follows the excellent suggestions, he/she will begin to regain mental mobility and stability in no time. To diffuse triggers, a patient must find the event, which sets the trigger ablaze. Triggers can be deaths, accidents, breakups, childhood abuse and molestation, and compulsive worrying. Triggers are components that exist in everyone’s’ lives and can be triggered based upon a catastrophic or traumatic event regardless of age.

Retrain the Brain

The most vital part of overcoming or living with anxiety is to retrain the brain. Living with anxiety is an illness that heals with the right practice. A gymnast must practice doing back-flips and more to become a professional athlete. Such is the plight of the victim of anxiety disorder; he/she must practice, practice, practice retraining the brain in its cognitive processes. Realizing the power of the mind and cognitive thoughts will aid any anxiety disorder sufferer to understand why they must retrain their brain. Facing negative thoughts head-on and correcting the inner voice existing in the human mind will turn those moments in positive ones. Take on the minor battles and stay away from the significant battlefield to win a big war because the war won’t take place if retraining takes place.

Anxiety disorder has the power an individual gives to it; however, when a traumatic episode occurs, we are not always aware this has led to the anxiety issues. In many cases, denial is still the first step when diagnosing a patient with an anxiety disorder. Because society places such negativity on mental health illnesses, there is a tendency to shame the victim. This shame leads to more anxiety, worry, and anger leading to a constant circular flow making the anxiety worse. It’s much like being caught up in the spin-cycle of the washing machine. When a patient accepts anxiety disorder for its ability to create medical issues, then, the shame will begin to erode and allow healing to take place. Please, contact us if you have any questions about anxiety or finding a therapist.

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