The Feeling of Anxiety and What it Entails

Anxiety–a feeling of uneasiness, not so unfamiliar to today’s population. The feeling of worry and apprehension manifests itself among millions of people–for many of them, more than they would like to admit. When a person struggles with these feelings, it can often seem as if they are surrounded; alone, in a pit of anxiousness of which there is no clear way out. From this point, reaching the destination that is peace of mind is a journey; Family Restoration Counseling Services would like nothing more than to strive alongside you towards the most attainable, welcome feeling of inner peace.

The Feeling of Anxiety and What it Entails

Unsure of whether or not you’re having problems with anxiety? See if you relate to these sets of symptoms:

Physical Symptoms of Anxiety

  • Shortness of breath
  • Quickened heartbeat/discomfort in chest
  • Dizziness/nausea
  • Hot flashes
  • Chills
  • Shaking/trembling
  • Excessive sweating

Behavioral Symptoms of Anxiety

  • Avoiding situations that one expects to experience discomfort
  • Using unhealthy behaviors to cope, including drugs, overeating, under-eating
  • Being paranoid of losing what makes one comfortable; for example, not wanting to leave the home

Emotional Symptoms of Anxiety

  • Distress
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Excessive worry
  • Irrational fear/terror
  • Panic
  • Dread
  • Tense/irritable

Cognitive Symptoms of Anxiety

  • “What if…”
  • Thoughts of going crazy/losing mind
  • Must have’s, speaking in absolutes
  • Excessively worrying of embarrassment

Psychological Symptoms of Anxiety

  • Difficulty with fluent and chronological memory
  • Anticipating catastrophic problems
  • Difficulty focusing on tasks at hand

For every person — children, adolescents, adults — there are unique responses to the feeling of anxiety. Some can help themselves through self-care; for others, therapy is often the best remedy. The road to coping and conquering anxiety is started here, by contacting the experienced and willing counselors at Family Restoration Counseling.

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