Marital Infidelity Does Not Have to Mean it’s Over

Contrary to what you may be feeling right now, a spouse’s marital infidelity does not mean your relationship is over. Infidelity is likely a symptom of an ongoing problem that now needs to be addressed immediately. Although extremely damaging to a marriage, the damage of infidelity is not usually irreparable. After the dust settles, do you really want to never…

Common Misconceptions About Marriage Counseling

When a marriage is threatened by various relationship difficulties, counseling is often not considered a beneficial option due to a number of misconceptions. It Is A Couple’s Last Resort Most believe that when a couple is undergoing marriage counseling it means that their problems are so irreparable, they are only doing so as a last resort before filing for divorce….

Dallas Premarital Counseling

Spring is nearly here and summer is just after it here in the Dallas area. Spring and summer are popular seasons for weddings. And with weddings comes Premarital Counseling. Premarital Counseling is important to the beginning of a marriage and can provide tools and information that will be useful and relevant throughout your marriage. Premarital…